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   Past Survey Results:

How much time do you spend on the internet?
less than 2 hours a week 12 2.75 %
2 - 4 hours a week 33 7.55 %
4 - 6 hours a week 45 10.30 %
an hour a day 46 10.53 %
more than an hour a day 186 42.56 %
somebody help me! 115 26.32 %
June, 2004
Do you own your own home?
Yes - House 219 49.66 %
Yes - Condo 40 9.07 %
Yes - other 8 1.81 %
No - apartment 148 33.56 %
No - share 26 5.90 %

Dec, 2003
How much has your AUTO INSURANCE gone up in the past SIX months?
It hasn't gone up 23 20.91 %
25% 36 32.73 %
50% 15 13.64 %
75% 5 4.55 %
It has doubled! 15 13.64 %
It has more than doubled! 16 14.55 %

   Sept, 2003
Who's the most dangerous man in the World?
Osama Bin-Laden 40 16.88 %  
Saddam Hussein 13 5.49 %  
George Bush 153 64.56 %  
Kim Jong-il 23 9.70 %  
None of these guys 8 3.38 %  
TOTAL 93   ..

How will you get your exercise this summer?
Outdoor Team Sports (volleyball, baseball, etc.) 13 13.98 %
Other Outdoor Sports (tennis, golf, rollerblading etc.) 27 29.03 %
Camping, cottage, hiking, canoeing swimming etc. 16 17.20 %
The Gym 8 8.60 %
All of the above 20 21.51 %
None of the above 9 9.68 %
TOTAL 93   ..

How is your cash flow?
Life is Wonderful!! 10 10.64 %
I'm in the black 15 15.96 %
I'm broke, but no debts 25 26.60 %
I'm in the red 25 26.60 %
I'm in trouble 19 20.21 %
TOTAL 94   ..

How would you describe your Christmas spending?
I didn't shop 25 24.51 %
Below my budget 5 4.90 %
Within my budget 27 26.47 %
Just over budget 22 21.57 %
Blew the budget 23 22.55 %
TOTAL 102   ..

Tell us your age!
under 19 10 6.49 %
19 - 29 45 29.22 %
30 - 39 62 40.26 %
40 - 49 26 16.88 %
50 - 59 7 4.55 %
60 or over 4 2.60 %
TOTAL 154   ..

What Canadian federal party would you vote for?
Bloq Quebecois 2 2.63 %
Canadian Alliance 21 27.63 %
Liberal 39 51.32 %
New Democratic Party 9 11.84 %
Progressive Conservative 5 6.58 %
TOTAL 76   ..

What do you think about Global Warming?
It's a serious threat 44 65.67 %
It could be a problem 12 17.91 %
I don't know if it is a problem 2 2.99 %
It isn't a serious problem 2 2.99 %
I don't worry about it 7 10.45 %
TOTAL 67   ..

Do you think the 2008 Olympics will be held in Toronto?
YES 58 42.03 %
NO 31 22.46 %
50/50 chance 27 19.57 %
I don't know 2 1.45 %
I hope not 20 14.49 %
TOTAL 138   ..

When did you last pay for something online?
In the past 7 days 17   23.29 %
In the past month 11 15.07 %
In the past 3 months 5 6.85 %
In the past 6 months 4 5.48 %
More than 6 months ago 3 4.11 %
I have never paid online 33 45.21 %
TOTAL 73 ..

What is your current career status?
I Am Self-Employed 17   18.28 %
I Am Employed Full-Time 52 55.91 %
I Am Employed Part-Time 4 4.30 %
I Am Unemployed 6 6.45 %
I Am A Student 14 15.05 %
TOTAL 93 ..

Where are you visiting from?
I live right here in the Beach/Beaches 101 49.27 %
I live in Toronto 37 18.05 %
I live in the Greater Toronto Area 14 6.83 %
I live in Ontario 4 1.95 %
I live in Canada 13 6.34 %
I live in the US 26 12.68 %
I live outside North America 10 4.88 %
TOTAL 205   ..

What should we do about parking in the Beaches?
Permit resident parking only on sidestreets? 34 19.10 %
Build a new Parking Garage at Kew Gardens? 10 5.62 %
Build a Parking Garage at Queen-Woodbine? 45 25.28 %
Close off Queen Street (except transit) and make it a pedestrian mall? 41 23.03 %
Build a Parking Garage somewhere else? 9 5.06 %
Improve public transit to/in the Beach? 26 14.61 %
Limit number of vehicles per household? 13 7.30 %
TOTAL 178   ..

What Name do you feel BEST describes this community?
The Beach 92 31.08 %
The Beaches 151 51.01 %
Both 25 8.45 %
I don't have an opinion 8 2.70 %
I don't care 20 6.76 %
TOTAL 296   ..

Do you think the next Beaches Jazz Festival should be held:
1. On Queen Street with the street closed off? 269 79.12 %
2. On Queen Street WITHOUT the street closed off? 13 3.82 %
3. At the New Bandshell, to be built Southwest of Woobine and Queen? 58 17.06 %

Fill out this form and click submit to send your question to us. If we consider your question, we will contact you by email.

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