to Toronto, the Beaches and our Community web site! Beaches Toronto.com is the interactive site for the Beaches community located in the east end of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Beaches Toronto.Com has been developed to be a truly interactive Community site. There are numerous features designed for EVERYONE to participate. We welcome your suggestions AND your participation. This is YOUR community site and we encourage you to get involved and help it evolve. [more]
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Thousands left without power all day in Ontario
Harper to become PM on Monday
B.C. cleans up after windstorm
Biggest jet to arrive in Nunavut
New left-wing party starts in Quebec
Mild winter allows for Jasper fire guard
Dingwall receives $417,780 in severance for Mint ouster
Muslims rally in Halifax over Muhammad caricatures
Large private gun collection stolen
Cutting torch started Esterhazy mine fire

Interested in Volunteering for the Beaches Toronto site? You may be able to post news or events, publish photos or assist with promotions. [more]