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Beautiful Beach Scenes
(click on a thumbnail for a close-up)

The Beach lends itself to beautiful images and scenes. From the Scarborough Bluffs all the way over to the point just west of Woodbine Avenue, there are some spectacular scenes.

In the Bluffs picture, you can see the man-made moorings made smooth after decades of water lapping over them. These can be seen from the R.C. Harris Filtration plant, looking east.

The condos and homes along this beach enjoy relative privacy and quiet beyond the occasional quiet glance of admirers passing by. There are five year waiting lists for some of the homes along here. Once people move in to these dwellings, they rarely leave. The bottom picture on this page features the last condo on the Beach going east. if you look closely, you can see the CN tower in the background.

Beautiful Beach Scenes The Boardwalk Glen Stewart Ravine Busy Places
Glen Manor ParkKew Beach Gardens R.C. Harris Filtration Plant Remarkable Homes
Funky Places Main Page/Coming Soon

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