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Beaches Classifieds: Employment Wanted Canada

The following 1 Ads are in this category:

Ad #73503 employment_wanted_canada: Looking for work. Feb 4, 2024
Are you a small, web-based Company?

Do you need a great eye catching Logo?

Are you an Avon Rep. or Independent Seller?

Need flyers for your next Big Event?

Why not contact me, and let's see what we can do!

WHY you should have confidence in me:

* I work independently from home.

* I do not have some fancy Degree (which is why I can offer great prices!)

* I love to Design, and am not satisfied until something is 100% perfect! I have made MANY designs, just as a hobby, but now would like to pursue it a bit further.

If interested, please feel free to contact me:

All details and prices are to be determined on length of time needed to complete project

Finished Projects are EMAILED directly to you.

This gives you the comfort of printing out an unlimited amount of Flyers etc.

Instead of paying for more or less than you may need, the choice is yours!


All payments can be made via PayPal. Alternative choices will be available, should you not have a PayPal account.
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