You consider yourself a voice of reason? Yeah, *whatever*.I could care less about having a BMW (I drive a Ford), I could care less about having D & G attire (whatever D & G is)....
However, I do care A LOT about the increasingly addictive nature of all levels of government having their hands in my pocket...not to 'babysit' kids as you say, but rather to buy votes to keep themselves in power as with our current federal pirates.
Salaries have gone up, but TD economists tell us disposable income hasn't increased in 15 years.
The middle class is sinking under a heavy tax load, while it's kids run amuck because mom and dad have to work an extra shift at night to pay for kraft dinner (and not for a BMW as you would like us to believe in order to marginalize what's really going on).
Policians don't have a revenue problem, they have a spending problem.
Take the Ontario health care premium tax that was illegaly imposed on us last year. Has that changed emerg waiting times? Pfffftt. They could spend 100 trillion dollars on health care, things would be great...for about 6 months. Afterwhich it would be back to the steaming pile of elephant dung it is today.
If you don't think this country has a tax problem that's leading to social ills like kids doing drugs in Kew Gardens...then tell us: *What's wrong with you*?
** Original Message:
Usually I like to think that I am a voice of reason, but this response absolutely p!$$#$ me off!