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Enter Chat     Disclaimer     [IRC, ICQ, Internet Relay Chat]
TORONTO CHAT ROOM: This is a new system. You may have to re-register. Registration take less than 1 minute.

Please Read the following if this is your first time using this chat.
For security reasons, your IP address: will be recorded

Entering the CHAT ROOM means you have read and agree with our disclaimer.

Because we can't predict when the room will be used, for now we suggest that you visit the chat room every Thursday evening between 8:00 PM and 12 PM (Eastern Standard Time), and now, Sunday afternoons between 8:00 PM and 12 PM (EST) which is when we are telling people to come and try this fun activity.

We will monitor usage and, if necessary, we will add new Chat rooms, if this one gets too busy.

This chat was developed for SAFE interaction between old and new friends. To keep it safe (and friendly), we have these recommendations:

    Here are some tips to keep this CHAT ROOM safe (These rules should apply to all IRC, ICQ, Internet Relay Chat, Chat Rooms, etc):
  • Children under 12 must have adult supervision when using this room
  • Be careful about giving out your last name, phone number, street name or address on this chat system, they can be used to pinpoint your exact location.
  • Do not tell strangers what you may be doing or where you may be going on a specific day, they may be living in your neighbourhood, and pretending they live far away.
  • Do not use threatening, abusive, or profane language in this chat room.

If you keep these things in mind, CHAT ROOMS can be great fun.

    You will find this chat easy to use, but here are some pointers:
  • You can chat with someone privately, sending them a personal message, by choosing their nick name in the drop-down menu beside the POST button.
  • You can change the color of your chat words by clicking Options on your CHAT screen and choosing from the drop-down menu.
  • You can change the speed of the REFRESH rate (how fast the CHAT from everyone is loaded to your screen) also by clicking on Options.
  • You can add more details to your nick-name descriptions by clicking on User info.
  • You can read someone's info by clicking their name in their nickname in the right section of your CHAT screen.
  • To get to the main menu of THE-BEACHES.COM, click on Main Menu

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